Message From the CEO – February 2024

Ryan C. Campbell, P.E.

Imagine Life Without Electricity

Have you ever stopped to think about what daily life was like before electricity?

Before electrical power became widely available, light was provided by candles and oil lamps; food was kept cool with iceboxes; and wood-burning or coal-burning stoves provided warmth and cooking heat.

The Sun Never Sets on Electrical Power

Today, we think nothing of attending a football game or concert at night, and yet such events were almost impossible before the availability of electrical power.

Electrical power was first used in major cities, but it didn’t take long for everyone to understand the value of electricity. People living outside large cities knew how electricity could improve their way of life, and this is why rural electric cooperatives were formed.

Look around today and you’ll see not just lighting, refrigeration, and stoves powered by electricity, but you’ll also see computers, electronics, tools, machinery, public transportation, and even cars.

Electricity Remains a Great Value

Just as important as electricity itself, costs to the user have remained low, and this has kept electricity 1 of the greatest values among all energy sources. In fact, electricity remains an excellent value, especially when compared to other costs of living that have gone up due to inflation.

The year 2022 saw the highest demand ever for electricity in the United States, and it was 14 times greater than the electrical demand in 1950. With virtually any other commodity, this would have an enormous impact on the price to the consumer. However, electricity remains 1 of the greatest and most affordable energy sources.

Electricity has been around now for so many generations, that it’s easy to take for granted. However, when you consider the staggering number of things today powered by affordable electricity, it’s hard to imagine life without it.

Your team at Escambia River Electric Cooperative is proud to provide power to you.